Product Features & Utility Options
- With a huge wireless range of up to 280m from the PIR sensors to sound receiver (when direct line of site), goods and property can be protected from a multiple of locations.
- Allowing the protection of variable:
- Buildings (Houses, Garages, Sheds, Outbuildings, Summer houses etc)
- Vehicles (Cars, Vans, Motorbikes, Motorhomes, Farm vehicles, Lorries etc)
- Equipment (Tools, Garden equipment, Plant, valuables etc)
- Protecting your goods from your:
- Home (Living room, Bedroom, inc many flats to ground level),
- Work place (Building sites, Factories, Offices)
- Hotels/Holiday home (i.e Hotel room to vehicles in the car park)
- HGV (Cab to rear of trailer)
- AlertOlarm is an enhanced version of the split PIR motion sensor, using both infrared and motion detections (to prevent false alarms) raising audible alerts via its sound receiver to, either dissuade the thief from entry or raise instant alerts to the owner. When adding 4 x different PIR sensors units, entry points are easily identifiable by the 4 x different coloured lights on the sound receiver (only 1 x PIR sensor per single system box)
- Choose from a large variety of alert messages for the sound receiver, be they alarm sounds, human voice warning messages of a combinations of the two. Different sounds can be linked to each PIR sensor to further help identify various entry points/PIR sensors.
- Added silent and strong vibration reminder via the sound receiver is available for more privacy and less disturbance when being used for direct alerts to the owner.
- Both PIR sensor and Sound receiver can be powered via USB or either standard Alkaline batteries (not included). The ‘Power off memory’ ensures no need to be constantly re-programming if there is a power failure etc.
- 4th generation power-saving technology, meaning longer life battery usage (7 months on average), whilst allowing both PIR and Sound receiver to be placed anywhere without the need for main power
- Audible sound receiver can either by freestanding or screw fixed into location. Whilst PIR sensor comes with high adhesion sticky pads for easy installation or alternatively can be screwed into position also for added security.
- Flexible and multi-purpose, which can allow up to 8 remotes, for multi-user use. Whilst in addition to 32No PIR sensors can be linked to one system, for multi-zone protection (only 1 x remote, 1 x PIR and 1 x sound receiver per single system box) . Furthermore, by adding additional audible sound receivers, alerts can be raised to various location i.e. One sound receiver within the same area the PIR is located can sound an audible alarm to ward off the thief, whilst another unit can be used to advise the owner of the same entry attempt.
- Most common users:-
- Trades persons protecting their Vehicles and tools whilst at home and also whilst on site (via flexibility of Audible sound receiver being able to be taken from home to site etc).
- Home owners protecting Shed, Garages and outbuildings (having a PIR sensor in the building and an Audible sound receiver in the house/flat etc)
- Shop owners, protecting rear entry areas (Having PIR sensor facing rear doors and Audible sound receiver within shop environment)
- HGV drivers, protecting goods in rear of vehicle whilst sleeping in cab (PIR sensor placed in trailer unit with Audible sound receiver within cab area)
- Farmers protecting outbuilding and machinery (PIR sensors can easily be located in vehicles or outbuildings (dry environments) with Audible sound receiver within nearby farm house/office
- Caravan & Motorhome owners protecting their vehicle at home/drive way (PIR sensor installed in vehicle, with Audible sound receiver in home)
- Anyone – AlertOlarm the alarm designed with the user in mind, easy installation, easy setup, superb versatility and exceptional value for money from a trusted UK supplier, Olarm, with 10,000’s of home & vehicle security devices sold to date.
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